PhD Workshop in Public Economics

Event Information

Uppsala, Sweden
Event type

PhD Workshop in Public Economics, Uppsala, June 7-11, 2010.

PhD Workshop in Public Economics Uppsala, June 7-11, 2010. PhD students writing their thesis in Public Economics (broadly defined) are invited by the Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies (UCFS) at the Department of Economics at Uppsala University to participate in a workshop to be held in June 7-11, 2010.

The purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum in which papers can be presented and discussed by fellow students and senior researchers.

Papers need not be in a finished form and can be on any topic in public economics. However, papers within the field of Migration and Taxation will be prioritized.

The workshop will also contain a series of lectures on Migration and Taxation by two prominent international guests: Professor Craig Brett, Mount Allison, University, Canada Professor Peter Egger, ETH Zürich, Switzerland Brett and Egger will also take part in the discussions of the presented papers.

PhD students interested in participating should send an application, preferably by email, to Katarina Grönvall ( Department of Economics, Uppsala University Box 513 SE-751 20 Uppsala, Sweden before March 22, 2010.

The workshop is limited to 15 PhD students and intended for PhD students from the Nordic countries.

The application should include a curriculum vitae with phone number, e-mail and fax number, university, thesis advisor' s name, area of interest and research project, an abstract of the paper to be presented (if any). If the paper is written, please supply this as well.

There will be no conference fee. Lodging and food will be provided for free. Financial support for travel might be available.

Welcome to Uppsala in June!

Sören Blomquist Eva Mörk Henry Ohlsson Håkan Selin

Event | 27 January 2010