A PhD Forum at Peking University, Aug 20-21, 2011

Event Information

Peking University, Beijing, China


Xiaolan Chen
+86 10 6276 7893
Event type

The College of Environmental Science and Engineering of Peking University is organizing a PhD Forum this summer during August 20-21, 2011.

This forum will include several graduate students' sessions on research issues in environmental economics and policy in China. PH.D candidates who were invited to this forum will be asked to give a presentation about their research project. We hope this forum will give us an opportunity to know each other better and increase opportunities for cooperation.

This program will cover broad issues, including but not limited to the following themes:

Climate challenges and low carbon economy
Green growth and natural resources
Taxes and trading systems
Environmental assessment and planning
Valuation issues on health, environment and ecosystem services
Public access to environmental information and responses from firms and local governments
Comprehensive growth, green accounting and sustainability measurement

We hope that both theoretical and applied research can be presented and discussed.

This forum is sponsored by Peking University. Peking University will cover accommodation and meals for participants during the event. We look forward to seeing you in Peking University.

Any question is welcome. Please contact:
Xiaolan Chen at chenxiaolan.pku@gmail.com

Event | 22 July 2011