"To have an ear to the ground"

Inequality, state politics, collective action, and the environment. That summarizes the academic focus of Rohini Somanathan, professor at Delhi School of Economics and Visiting Professor at the School…

| Sweden

Do households use improved cook stoves? What are the benefits? An Ethiopian case study

About 40% of the human population, or about 2.8 billion people, find commercial fuels like electricity and gas inaccessible, too expensive or too irregularly supplied to use for cooking and heating (Smith et al., 2013; IEA, 2012). Instead, they rely on solid fuels like coal, fuelwood, dung and charcoal that are combusted inside their homes.

EfD Annual Report 2015/2016

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Read about what  EfD centers around the world have been up to during the last year in terms of research highlights and how our research relate to the Sustainable Development Goals.

Find out more about our collaborative research programs and get to know our broad work with policy interaction at all levels as well as what has been done in academic training. There are three new EfD centers on the doorstep, so a peek into the future as well. This report is a joint effort with many authors and contributors.