Turpie, Jane
Jane Turpie is a Senior Research Fellow of EPRU. She has a PhD in Behavioural Ecology (1994) and has worked and taught in the applied fields of Biodiversity Conservation and Environmental Economics for the past 25 years. Her interests and experience are broad, but tend to have in common her interest in getting to grips with the bigger picture, solving wide-scale and multidisciplinary, integrative problems.
Her environmental economics research has concentrated on the valuation of natural resources as well as valuation, modelling and experimental studies to inform policy measures relating to biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. She has carried out a number of studies on the economic values and tradeoffs in the management of wetlands, agricultural and rangeland systems and protected areas throughout Southern and Eastern Africa, using methods such as stated preference and revealed preference valuation studies, social surveys on livelihoods and resource use, and the analysis of satellite data and big data.
Her current research interests include the mapping and valuation of ecosystem services, natural capital accounting, and economic analysis to guide the design and planning of nature-based solutions to address land degradation, urban environmental issues and climate change adaptation. She has published 61 scientific papers and 7 book chapters and has written more than 180 technical reports.