Tanzania: 'Tax Cuts Could Save Fish Industry'

EfD fellow Stephen Kirama, University of Dar es Salaam, was interviewed by East African Business Week during a workshop to present key findings on forest management and marine protected areas which…

Collaborative Marine Protected Areas project launched

EfD’s first collaborative project on marine conservation started with a meeting of the principle investigators from the Costa Rica, Tanzania and South Africa in Costa Rica during early May. Jo Albers…

South African Linefish Conference

Jane Turpie attended the national Linefish Conference in Langebaan, which was attended by a range of scientists and managers from around the country. Participants from Department of Agriculture…

Climate change impacts on South Africa’s rural areas

Jane Turpie and Martine Visser completed a study for the Fiscal and Financial Commission on the impact of climate change on rural agricultural productivity and the relative vulnerability of South…

Climate change and marine protected areas

Jane Turpie was invited to give a presentation on “Using economics to support coastal conservation interventions to address climate change” at the Western Indian Ocean Climate Change Workshop for…