
Titbits from EfD Nigeria

Centre Director Presents 2019 Score Card at 1st AGM.


REPRC Researchers at first AGM
Some REPRC Researchers at the 2019 AGM


EfD Nigeria started the year with its first Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on January 22, 2020. The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nigeria, Prof Charles Igwe, Research Fellows and other staff of the Centre attended the meeting chaired by the Centre Director, Dr Nnaemka Chukwuone.

The Director presented the 2019 annual report and also shared the 2020 work plan with the members. He said that the Centre was able to carry out some of its planned activities for 2019, especially those related to research and policy advocacy but could not carry out some, especially capacity building activities.

The Director said that researchers at the Centre started an EfD-funded research project and were able to secure another EfD-funded project. “The Centre is also involved in the EfD marine collaborative research project of which the findings elicited policy debate in 2019 Policy Day on fisheries management in Nigeria” he said.  

The Centre, according to him, also carried out some non EfD-funded projects out of which research papers had been published in local and international peer reviewed journals while some had been accepted for publication and others at different stages of review.   

Dr Chukwuone added that the Centre also pursued collaboration with Federal Ministry of Environment and that of Agriculture and Rural Development. “We have a letter of collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Environment but we are yet to sign MOUs with them. We are collaborating with the Federal Department of Fisheries (FDF) of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the collaboration is facilitating our EfD marine collaborative project on fisheries management” he said. 

The Director further stated that through the support of  EfD, the Centre procured computers and a laptop, installed a video conferencing equipment, procured software (Stata and GAMS- CONOPT Solver), and a printer system, among others.

He challenged researches in the Centre to brace up for more eventful 2020.  

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof Igwe expressed delight at the achievements of the Centre within the period. He however stated that lots more needed to be done given the quality of human resources at the Centre. He urged researchers to show more commitments to

activities of the centre.


 REPRC Monthly Seminar Holds Amidst COVID-19 Lockdown  

Some Participants at the April 2020 Seminar of REPRC, April 28, 2020

One of the researchers making his presentation during the seminar
Dr Anthony Onyekuru making a presentation during the seminar


Resource and Environmental Policy Research Centre (REPRC) held its seminar for the month of April 2020 amidst COVID-19 lockdown in the University of Nigeria. The Centre holds a monthly seminar to discuss research proposals among its researches. The April edition of the seminar series was threatened by the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic but the resilience of the researchers ensured that it was held with full compliance to social distance rule and other COVID-19 safety protocols recommended by the university management and the Nigerian government.  


REPRC Joins EfD Network, Inaugurated in UNN

The Resource and Environmental Policy Research Centre (REPRC), University of Nigeria, Nsukka was admitted into the EfD network on the 25th of November 2018 at the EfD annual general meeting held in Hanoi, Vietnam.

The Centre was inaugurated by the University of Nigeria on the 11th of February 2019 at a ceremony chaired the former Vice Chancellor, Prof Chukwuma Ozumba. With the help of the University management and EfD, the Centre boosts of a good research environment comparable to what one finds in some international research centres.  The Centre equally has a dynamic research team that is working towards securing research funds, forging international collaborations and producing relevant research publications all aimed at enhancing national policy discourse and supporting policy formulation regarding environment and development while contributing to the EfD brand.

Inauguration of REPRC inm University of Nigeria
Some Researchers in REPRC with the former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nigeria, Prof Ozumba, after the inauguration of REPRC in UNN, February 11, 2019
News | 7 May 2020