PhD Research Assistantship at Colorado State University on Payments for Hydrological Services
A 3-year PhD assistantship is being offered in the areas of ecosystem services and ecological economics at Colorado State University as part of a large interdisciplinary project focused on feedbacks and interactions in coupled social-ecohydrological systems in Mexico. Desired skills for this position include knowledge of stated or revealed preference methods, econometrics, interdisciplinary problem solving skills, and Spanish language skills. Preference will be given to students already holding a master’s degree and who have published.
The 3-year Ph.D. assistantship includes tuition, fees and health insurance through a combination of teaching and research assistantships. The selected student will complete their Ph.D. in the Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Department in the Warner College of Natural Resources, and will have access to courses from across the campus. The preferred start date is August 15, 2014.
To apply to this position, please send your CV and a 1-page letter describing how you meet the qualifications listed above. Please send this to Dr. Kelly Wendland at Please put “PhD Assistantship” in the subject line. Review of applications will start April 15, 2014 and continue until a suitable candidate is found. Only short listed applicants will be contacted. You should not start the graduate school application at Colorado State University until contacted by Dr. Wendland.