Organic certification of coffee changes farmers´behavior

Allen Blackman, EfD Research Fellow, said to the Swedish Radio today that organic certification of coffee do change farmers´behavior in a studied area in Colombia. Blackman is invited to a Policy Seminar, arranged by ENTWINED on October 20 in Stockholm, Sweden.

Click to listen to the interview with Allen Blackman, EfD Research Fellow and Senior Fellow, Resources For the Future (RFF), broacasted by Swedish Radio, a non-commercial, independent public service radio broadcaster, 2010-10-18:

Allen Blackman is invited to speak about the assessment of the impact of certification using farm level data at a Policy Seminar, arranged in Stockholm by ENTWINED, Environment and Trade in a World of  Interdependence on October 20.

The subject of the seminar is Emerging Trends in Sustainable Trade: In Search of Internationally Appropriate Policy Responses to Voluntary Sustainability Standards and Border Carbon Adjustments.

Together with Jason Potts, Associate, IISD, Blackman will provide an overview of global market trends and present the latest research on the impact of voluntary sustainability standards on producers in developing countries.

Carolyn Fischer, EfD Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow, Resources for the Future, is also invited as speaker. She will speak about key opportunities and threats to sustainable development arising from border carbon adjustment initiatives.

Håkan Eggert, EfD Research Fellow and Research Fellow, University of Gothenburg is invited as a panelist and will provide a snapshot of recent research on the impacts of voluntary sustainability standards, and provide insights on the challenges and opportunities associated with assessing the impacts of these initiatives.

The seminar is targeted towards policymakers, representatives from trade organisations, NGO’s, businesses and academia.

The seminar is moderated by Mark Halle, Director Trade and Investment, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD ) and Mark Sanctuary, program director ENTWINED, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.

For more information please visit


News | 18 October 2011