LACEEP VIII Environmental and Resource Economics Training Course “Valuation and Household Surveys”

The Latin American and Caribbean Environmental Economics Program (LACEEP) is organizing its VIII Environmental and Resource Economics Training Course, titled “Valuation and Household Surveys” which will be carried out at CATIE’s headquarters in Turrialba, Costa Rica from July 21 - 31, 2014.

The course is aimed at junior researchers who are citizens of any country in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region. Applicants should have a thorough technical knowledge and command of English.

Course instructors:

Vic Adamowicz, University of Alberta (Canada).  Professor Adamowicz applies his expertise to a variety of areas, including environmental valuation, benefit cost analysis, forest economics, econometrics and policy analysis. He has done research in relevant fields and completed consultancy work for various government agencies worldwide.  He has acted as Scientific Director for the Sustainable Forest Management Network as well as serving on the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel in the review of various socioeconomic models.

Dale Whittington, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA) & Manchester Business School (UK).  His main research interests are water resources policy in developing countries, municipal water and sanitation planning in developing countries, international river basin management, and vaccine policy. His work has included water pricing and tariff design, demand for infrastructure services, and environmental valuation. His area of expertise includes water resources economics, cost-benefit analysis, Infrastructure planning, and nonmarket valuation.


1.The Economic Conception of Environmental Goods & Services and the Use of Estimates from Nonmarket Valuation Methods in Benefit-Cost Analysis

2.Stated Preference Techniques (Contingent Valuation Method & Choice Experiments: Theory experimental design, logistics and fieldwork, and econometric analysis)

3.Revealed Preference Methods: Theory, data collection, and econometric analysis

4.Household surveys: Design, analysis, and prevention & correction of survey errors


LACEEP will offer a grant covering all expenses for the participants: course fee, materials, air ticket, airport taxes and terrestrial transportation within Costa Rica, lodging and meals during the days of the event. A maximum of 20 students will be selected.

 To register for the course, please complete and send the attached application form (including an abstract of a research topic that you would be interested in developing under the support of LACEEP – no more than 500 words), and maximum two-page CV before May 25, 2014.  Pre-selected applicants can be scheduled an appointment via Skype. All participants will receive confirmation whether or not they have been accepted into the training course before June 10, 2014.

Latin American and Caribbean Environmental Economics Program, CATIE



News | 28 April 2014