Swedish Ambassodor Maria Hakansson (4th) poses for a group photo with the center Director Edward Bbaale(3rd) and graduands.
Swedish Ambassodor Maria Hakansson (4th) poses for a group photo with the center Director Edward Bbaale(3rd) and graduands.

EfD Uganda Graduates Third Cohort of IGE Fellows


The Environment for Development (EfD) Uganda celebrated the graduation of its third cohort from the Inclusive Green Economy (IGE) Capacity Building Program on August 7, 2024. The event, held at the Sheraton Hotel in Kampala, centered on promoting clean cooking solutions in rural areas of Uganda.

One of the graduands (c) receives the certificate from the minister(L) witness by Barnabas Nawangwe.
One of the graduands (c) receives the certificate from the Energy minister Okaasai Opolot (L) witnessed by the Vice Chancellor  Barnabas Nawangwe. Photo by EfD-Mak centre

The graduation ceremony was attended by notable figures including Swedish Ambassador to Uganda, Maria Hakansson, Minister of State for Energy, Hon. Okaasai Opolot Sidronius, and Makerere University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe. The IGE program, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), aims to equip senior civil servants and policymakers with the tools to drive a just green transition in Eastern Africa.

Minister Okasai (3rd) and Barnabas Nawangwe ( in a group photo with the graduands (5th)
Energy Minister Okaasai Opolot (3rd) and Barnabas Nawangwe (5th) in a group photo with the graduands. Photo by EfD-Mak center

Six IGE Fellows were honored at the event for their completion of the program, which included extensive training on economic policy instruments for green transition. These fellows worked on initiatives to increase the adoption of clean cooking solutions in rural Uganda, focusing on reducing reliance on biomass and promoting the use of LPG, electricity, and biogas.

Prof. Edward Bbaale, IGE Country Lead Uganda, emphasized the program's impact on creating local solutions for green economy challenges. He highlighted key outcomes, including contributions to the National Climate Finance Strategy and guidelines for mainstreaming climate change in Uganda's financial sector.

Edward Bbaale , Amb. Maria Hakansson and Peter Babyenda during the function.
Center Director Edward Bbaale , Amb. Maria Hakansson and IGE engagement specialist Peter Babyenda during the function. Photo by EfD-Mak Centre

Minister of State for Energy, Hon. Okaasai Opolot, called on Makerere University to lead efforts in localizing energy technology and human resource development, expressing concern over Uganda's dependence on foreign expertise. He urged the university to establish energy laboratories and training programs to build local capacity.

Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe reaffirmed Makerere University's commitment to supporting government initiatives, stressing the importance of utilizing the university's resources to address national challenges. He also praised the IGE program for addressing critical environmental issues that are vital for Uganda's future.

Swedish Ambassador Maria Hakansson closed the event by emphasizing the importance of universal access to sustainable energy in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). She commended the IGE Fellows for their efforts in promoting cleaner energy sources and congratulated them on their graduation.

Prof Nawangwe(3rd) and Minister Okasai Opolot (5th) in a group photo after the opening session
Prof Barnabas Nawangwe (3rd) and Minister Okaasai Opolot (5th) in a group photo after the opening session: Photo- EfD-Mak center

The IGE program will continue until 2027, with ongoing focus areas including energy efficiency and emissions reduction in Uganda's transport sector. The newly introduced 2024 cohort of fellows will undergo a one-year training program aimed at further advancing Uganda's green economy initiatives.


Jane Anyango,

Communication Officer

News | 12 August 2024