EfD Policy Day: Opportunities for sustainable natural resource use with national and local benefits for Tanzania

This Policy Day will bring together researchers and policy makers in a dialogue on Opportunities for sustainable natural resource use with national and local benefits. It is arranged by the Environment for Development initiative, 27 October, in Arusha, Tanzania.

During the day environmental economics researchers from EfD will present results that shed new light on the management of forests, wildlife and agriculture. The Policy Day starts the fifth EfD Annual Meeting.The rest of the meeting October 28-30 consists of academic discussions.

Program for the EfD annual meeting Policy Day
Tanzania, Arusha, October 27, 2011

(A pdf of the program is avaliable below.)

Objectives of the Policy Day:
 To increase knowledge sharing and dialogue between policy makers, practitioners and
 To present EfD research on selected themes and discuss its policy relevance in a Tanzanian
 To inform the EfD research agenda about policy maker’s views on research needs, actions
and challenges

08:30 Introduction, Dr Razack Lokina, EfD Research Fellow and Director, EfD Tanzania

08:40 Welcome remarks, Mr Amon Manyama, Chairman, EfD Tanzania Policy Board and
Head of Poverty Unit, UNDP Tanzania

08:50 The Environment for Development (EfD) Initiative – Making a difference with
environmental economics
, Prof Gunnar Köhlin, Director, EfD

09:00 Opening speech: Greening the economy through better management of wildlife and
, Dr Julius K. Ningu, Director, Environment Division, Vice-President’s Office

09:15 Plenary session 1: REDD+, an opportunity for carbon finance, rural development and
forest management in Tanzania

Chair: Dr John Mduma, EfD Research Fellow, EfD Tanzania

Implementation of Tanzania’s REDD+ strategy and key challenges
Prof Claude Mung'ongo,  National REDD Task force
Open questions and answers

Experiences of successful forest management in Sub Saharan Africa – Implications for
REDD+ policies and the private sector

Prof Elizabeth Robinson, EfD Research Associate, EfD Tanzania
Open questions and answers

10:30-11.00 Tea & Coffee

11:00 Plenary session 2: Improving wildlife management for poverty reduction
Chair: Dr Fransisco Alpizar, EfD Research Fellow and Director, EfD Central America

Sustainable management of Tanzania’s wildlife resources and its contribution to development
Mr Allan Kijazi, Director, Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA)
Open questions and answers

Community-based wildlife conservation in Southern Africa – Implications for Tanzania
Dr Edwin Muchapondwa, Research Officer, EfD and Research Fellow, EfD South Africa
Open questions and answers

12:30-13.30 Lunch

13.30 Determinants of agricultural investments and productivity over the long term –Implications for East African policy makers
Prof Randy Bluffstone, EfD Research Associate, EfD Ethiopia
Questions and answers

13.50 Panel discussion: Key actions to attain sustainable natural resource use with benefits
for local communities – Tanzania and other examples

Chair: Dr Adolf Mkenda, EfD Research Fellow, EfD Tanzania

Mrs Blandina Cheche, Poverty Environment Coordinator, Vice-President’s Office
Mr Olof Drakenberg, Policy Analyst and Chairman, Policy Day Committee, EfD
Mr Allan Kijazi, Director, Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA)
Mr Ruzika Mheto, Director, Environmental Planning and Research, National Environment Management Council (NEMC)
Dr Julius K. Ningu, Director, Environment Division, Vice-President’s Office
Dr Aloyce Nzuki, Director, Tourism Division, Ministry of Natural Resources
Prof Jintao Xu, EfD Research Fellow and Director, EfD China
Prof Pius Yanda, Director, National REDD Task force

15.20-15.30 Closing Remarks, Mr Amon Manyama, Chairman, EfD Tanzania Policy Board and Head of Poverty Unit, UNDP Tanzania

15.30-16.00 Tea & Coffee

For more information, please contact EfD Tanzania:

Dr Razack Lokina
EfD Research Fellow and Director, EfD Tanzania
Phone + 255 22 2410252
Mobile Phone + 255 (0)784 574 369

Salvatory Macha
Project Administrator
Phone +255 22 2410162
Mobile Phone: +255 754 750975

The overall objective of the Environment for Development initiative is to support poverty alleviation
and sustainable development through increased use of environmental economics in the policy
making process. EfD focuses on international research collaboration, policy advice, and academic training in Central America, China, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, and Tanzania.

News | 18 October 2011