EfD Central America present at the 4th Antigua Experimental Economics Conference

The Vernon Smith Center for Experimental Economics hosted the 4th Antigua Experimental Economics Conference held on 26 and 27 February at the Casa Popenoe, Antigua Guatemala and EfD-CA researches were present as part of the speakers participating in the workshop sessions.

The main objective of the conference is to strengthen ties between the Latin American scientific community dedicated to experimental economics, and the rest of the world. Experimenters, researchers and graduate students from around the world were present, especially those doing research in Latin America.

The program included 8 sessions on different topics, and the two plenary sessions with keynote speakers. EfD Central America Senior Researchers Francisco Alpizar and Milagro Saborio participated as speakers in two of the sessions. EfD –CA center Dirtector, Francisco Alpizar was part of the Field Experiments (RCTs) Session with the presentations: “An RCT of RCTs: climate change adaptation through resource conserving technologies (RCTs)” and Milagro Saborio  participated in the Negotiation Session with the presentation: “Agreement formation in a barganing game: evidence from a laboratory experiment”.

The conference features world-class plenary speakers and a broad cross section of experimental research by researchers and graduate students from around the world.

For more information on  the event click here

News | 16 March 2016