EfD-CA Center Director Francisco Alpizar acknowledged for his participation in the first Encyclical of Pope Francisco on the Environment.

Past Thursday 18th Pope Francisco released its long-awaited Encyclical on the Environment in which he warned against "suicidal" behavior of a global economic system. This same day a national news article acknowledged the participation of EfD-CA Center Director Francisco Alpizar in the Encyclical on the Environment. Alpizar was one of three Latin Americans who participated in the meeting held in May 2014 at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

To read the complete article please click Here (Spanish Only).

The article was published along an interview on the “Nuestra Voz” national radio show, where Alpizar explained the importance of this document and the issue that it addresses: “The economic growth that we’ve experienced in the past century, where the improvement in the livelihoods of a big number of people has accourd has a downside, which is that this economic growth has been at the expense of an environmental degradation and this degradation affects some, more than others, and this is the ethical dilemma of inequity that the  Pope wants to resolve and take matters into” Alpizar quoted.

To listen to the entire interview please click Here (Spanish only).

News | 19 June 2015