EEU receives collaboration prize

University of Gothenburg’s annual collaboration prize has been awarded to the Environmental Economics Unit (EEU), which is part of the Department of Economics at the School of Business, Economics and Law. The EEU receives the award for their extensive and continuous work to collaborate with public bodies, media and decision-makers, especially through their helpdesk for research-based environmental-economic analysis and advice-service for Swedish public bodies, as well as the Forest, Climate and Livelihood research network (Focali) and the Environment for Development initiative (EfD).

The prize was introduced in 2010 to encourage good practice in collaboration between the university and the surrounding society, and comprises a sum of SEK 200,000.

”This is a positive surprise and an important recognition of the long-term work we have undertaken to communicate research results to Swedish public bodies, develop environmental-economics skills on an international level, and collaborate extensively with society around us”, says Anders Ekbom. Together with Thomas Sterner and Gunnar Köhlin he has been involved from the start in building up the organisation at the Environmental Economics Unit at the School of Business, Economics and Law.

The Environmental Economics Unit receives the award for their extensive and continuous work to collaborate with public bodies, media and decision-makers, especially through their helpdesk for research-based environmental-economic analysis and advice-service for Swedish public bodies, as well as the Forest, Climate and Livelihood research network (Focali) and the Environment for Development initiative (EfD).

The jury’s motivation

Through the creation of a long-term strategy and a sustainable organisation of collaboration and communication between teaching staff, researchers, students and the surrounding community, the Environmental Economics Unit contributes to construction within this field internationally, and to a practical application of research and education for global sustainable development. It is suggested that the award be accepted by Anders Ekbom, Gunnar Köhlin and Thomas Sterner.

“The Environmental Economics Unit at the School of Business, Economics and Law has worked tirelessly and determinedly since 1991 to reach out to others through research, education and advice. For example, Swedish public bodies can receive support and expert advice from a helpdesk for environmental economics developed by the unit. Researchers and teachers in developing countries have had the opportunity to develop environmental-economic analysis, education and advice services with the help of a skills development programme aimed at planners and decision makers. Through this work, and other efforts to reach out, public bodies, government departments and other actors in society know where to turn to for advice, collaboration and expertise in the field of environmental economics”, says Anders Ekbom.  Read more about the Environmental Economics and Policy Group helpdesk Read more about Focali Read more about the Environment for Development initiative

About the collaboration prize

The prize was introduced in 2010 to encourage contributions to collaboration between the university and society around it. By drawing attention to collaboration efforts, staff and students receive recognition for their work in this area. At the same time, the work receives publicity among colleagues and the surrounding world, and can serve as examples of good practice. The prize consists of a sum of SEK 200,000 and is distributed annually to individuals or organisations at the university who have made considerable contributions to increase collaboration between the university and society around it. The award will be distributed in conjunction with the University of Gothenburg's doctoral award ceremony on October 21.

News | 28 September 2011