CATIE and FONAFIFO to cooperate for rural and forest development

The work of both organizations will be more effective through this alliance which promotes sharing technical assistance and experiences.

The Tropical
Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE)
and The National Forestry Financing
signed a Framework Agreement of Cooperation with the goal to “contribute jointly, in the most efficient way possible,
to promote and accelerate rural development and a sustainable
forestry in Costa Rica, by exchanging experiences,
promoting mutual cooperation,
technical assistance in the area interest of each
of the institutions”.

A formal event for the signature of the
Agreement took place on March 2 at CATIE’s headquarters in Turrialba, Costa
Rica. The agreement was signed on behalf of CATIE by Director General CATIE, José Joaquín
Campos and for FONAFIFO by its Director General Jorge Mario Rodríguez.

Several representatives of FONAFIFO and
CATIE attended the event, including EfD-CA Center Coordinator, Francisco Alpízar who was
appointed CATIE’s focal point under the Agreement. This legal framework—said
Francisco— set basis for future specific agreements
and proposals. We are sure research results coming from EfD-CA
and other programs in CATIE will provide information for key policy
decision-making related to Ecosystem Services, REDD+, and future policy
innovations within FONAFIFO.

FONAFIFO implements an innovative Environmental
Services Payment Program (ESPP) in Costa Rica since 1997 when it was established
by the Forestry Law No. 7575. The Programs benefits small and medium forestland
owners and forest producers. One of the effects has been a process of
afforestation and the promotion of private conservation in the country.

The law formally recognizes the mitigation of greenhouse
gases effect; the protection of water resources for urban, rural or
hydroelectric purposes; the protection of biodiversity for conservation,
sustainable, scientific, and pharmaceutical uses as well as for research and
genetic improvement; the protection of ecosystems and life forms, including
natural scenic beauty for tourism and scientific purposes.

For more information:

Francisco Alpízar
, EfD-CA Coordinator

Oscar Sánchez Chávez

Director Servicios Ambientales

Please follow this link for an Spanish version
of the note:

News | 25 March 2011