International Energy Workshop

Event Information

University of Cape Town, South Africa

Call for papers: Deadline for submission: February 1st, 2012. The 31st edition of the International Energy Workshop (IEW) will be held at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, on June 19-21, 2012.

is a leading conference for the international energy modeling community. In a
world of environmental and economic constraints, energy modeling is an
increasingly important tool for addressing the complexity of energy planning
and policy making. The IEW provides a venue for scholars and researchers to
compare quantitative energy projections, to understand the reasons for
diverging views of future energy developments, and to observe new trends in
global energy production and consumption.

About University of Cape Town

Founded in 1829, University of Cape Town (UCT) has a proud tradition of
academic excellence and effecting social change and development through its
pioneering scholarship, faculty and students. UTC has a vibrant, cosmopolitan
community and it is a cultural melting pot where each person contributes their
unique blend of knowledge and thinking. The mission of UCT is to aspire to
become a premier academic meeting point between South Africa, the rest of
Africa and the world.

Call for Papers - The deadline for paper submission is February 1st, 2012.
Researchers and practitioners in developed and developing countries are invited
to submit original papers with new and innovative
results on scientific or practical experiences on the economics of energy and climate change. As is customary for the IEW, papers should be quantitative and rigorous. A (non-exclusive) list of
potential conference topics is:

  • Climate change – mitigation and adaptation
  • Economics of low-carbon technologies
  • Energy access and poverty
  • Energy and economic growth in emerging economies
  • The role of renewable energy in developing and developed countries

Selected papers will be presented and discussed in thematic
sessions, circulated during the meeting and also posted on the meeting website.

Submission of papers
Full papers or long abstracts (minimum 1000 words) in .pdf
version should be submitted online at IEW 2012 beforeFebruary
1st, 2012
Please note that paper selection has become increasingly competitive in recent
years. Submissions that fully describe a complete analysis are most likely to
be accepted. In particular, when submitting a long abstract, please ensure that
the study and results are sufficiently described to allow comparison with full
paper submissions. Each person can present only one selected paper, although
multiple submissions are allowed. Please kindly fill in one online form for each paper.

Program Committee
The selection of submitted papers and long abstracts is
directed and made by the IEW Program Committee, which includes, among others,
the IEW co-directors and the 2012 co-organisers:

  • Geoffrey Blanford, Electric Power Research Institute
  • Massimo
    Tavoni, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM)
  • Bob van der Zwaan, Energy research
    Centre of the Netherlands (ECN)
  • Alison Hughes, University of Cape Town
  • Karen Donovan, University of Cape Town
  • Ajay Trikam, University of Cape Town

Event | 13 December 2011