How can African agriculture adapt to climate change?

Event Information

Nazreth, Ethiopia

This workshop is organized by EfD Ethiopia/EEPFE and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Nazreth, Ethiopia 11-13 December 2008.

The objectives of the workshop, "How can African agriculture adapt to climate change?
Results and Conclusions for Ethiopia and beyond", are as follows:

  • Presentation of final findings of the project Food and Water Security under Global Change: Developing Adaptive Capacity with a Focus on Rural Africa
  • Presentation of complementary research results from researchers in Ethiopia and elsewhere
  • Insights from policymakers and other attendants for Ethiopia
  • Discussion on the Way Forward

The invtation will be dispatched to key actors in the field but it will be open to any participant.

Title of Workshop: "How can African agriculture adapt to climate change? Results and Conclusions for Ethiopia and beyond"

Organizer: EfD Ethiopia/EEPFE and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Venue: Nazreth, Ethiopia

Date: 11-13 December 2008.

Event | 24 September 2008