
Stan Metcalfe: On Knowledge and Economic Transformation

Event Information

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December 14, renowned economist Stan Metcalfe will hold a talk touching on today’s global challenges by reflecting two pioneering economists who changed the way we talk and think about innovation and economic transformation. Metcalfe will look at the role of innovation in creating wealth from knowledge as seen through the writings of Joseph Schumpeter and Alfred Marshall.

Schumpeter and Marshall promote radically different ways of interpreting how innovation occurs and, just as importantly, the processes by which novelties transforms an economy. At a time of enormous global challenges, the solutions for which require a heavy reliance on science and technology, it is time to revisit the question of how innovations lead to economic change.

Stan Metcalfe is Swedish Schumpeter Lecturer 2022. The lecture is held in cooperation with University of Gothenburg where Metcalfe is an honorary doctor of economics.

When: Wednesday December 14
10.00–11.30 CET

Where: Webinar on Zoom




Stan Metcalfe
Professor Emeritus, University of Manchester



Andrea Mina
Professor of Economics and Pro-Rector for International Relations, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa



Anders Broström
Managing Director Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum and associate professor KTH


Event | 30 November 2022