Special Issue: Focus on Understanding the Gender and Climate Change Nexus

Event Information



Alejandro Lopez Feldman
Event type

Submit your article to the special issue of Environmental Research: Climate (ERCL): Focus on Understanding the Gender and Climate Change Nexus


Guest Editors

Johanna Fajardo-Gonzalez United Nations Development Programme
Anna Fruttero World Bank Group
Daniel Halim World Bank Group
Alejandro López-Feldman University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, México
Ana Tribín United Nations Development Programme


Social norms influence what responsibilities, opportunities, and behaviors are seen as appropriate for women and men in the community and at home. These social norms promote gendered behaviors concerning the household division of labor, labor market participation, asset ownership and accumulation, and attitudes toward consumption decisions. Consequently, women, non-binary people, and men diverge in their capacity to adapt, opportunities, and resources upon which to draw to counter the negative impacts of climate change. Vulnerabilities and risks from climate change vary by gender. The same is true for individuals' opportunities to take advantage of and contribute to the green transition agenda. While the research on the nexus between gender and climate change is growing, the scale and urgency of the challenge that humanity faces calls for additional rigorous evidence that can better inform policy design.

This focus collection aims to promote rigorous quantitative and qualitative research at the intersection of gender and climate change. We are interested in research studying gender-differentiated impacts of climate change, gender-differentiated impacts of climate action, and the role of gender in climate action. Priority will be given to work focusing on low- and middle-income countries. The focus collection will consider original research Letters and Papers, Topical Reviews, and Perspectives.

Submission process

Submit here.

Articles should be submitted using our online submission form. In Step 1, where the form asks if you would like your submission to be considered for inclusion within a focus collection, please select 'Focus on Understanding the Gender and Climate Change Nexus' in the drop down box. The remaining steps follow the standard process.

Focus collection articles are subject to the same review process and high standard as regular articles submitted to Environmental Research: Climate (ERCL). For more comprehensive information on preparing your article for submission and the options for submitting your article, please see our author guidelines.

Deadline for submissions

Submissions will be accepted until 15 August 2023 however submissions earlier than this date are encouraged and can be reviewed/published without delay. Articles published in this collection will be listed below.

Event | 16 June 2023