SETI Related Event at the EAERE 2023 Annual Conference

Event Information

Limassol, Cyprus


Event type

SETI Related Event at the EAERE 2023 Annual Conference

A sustainable and inclusive energy transition is key in countries of the Global South to increase people’s well-being, improve and develop a broad base of economic opportunities, and reduce impacts that harm the environment and climate. Identifying inclusive solutions (regarding gender, poverty, ethnicity, and intersections of these and other aspects) and conducive to economic growth is increasingly urgent, and researchers have a critical role to play in developing and applying validated methods to support the evidence needs of policymakers and practitioners.

For this purpose, we invite the scientific and policy community working on sustainable energy transitions to join the SETI event to be held just prior to the EAERE 2023 Annual Conference in Limassol, Cyprus, on June 27, 09:00-16:15 Limassol’s Time, in person. During this event, energy-related research will be presented and discussed to showcase the newest research findings of our network, and participants will have opportunities to pitch and brainstorm around promising new research ideas. If you are interested in participating, please register via email by writing to (please, indicate your full name and affiliation).

Full program of SETI’s related event at EAERE and venue’s information here!
Link to EAERE’s website (to be updated soon) here.
Event | 13 June 2023