Seminar: Rashmi Barua (Jawaharlal Nehru University) Still Waters Run Deep: Groundwater Arsenic Contamination & Education Outcomes in India

Event Information

Indian Statistical Institute


Ishita Datta
Event type

Presented by: Rashmi Barua (Jawaharlal Nehru University)


We study the effect of exposure to arsenic in groundwater, the main source of arsenic contamination, on a range of education outcomes among children in India. Using a large nationally
representative household survey and exploiting variation in soil textures across districts as an instrument for arsenic, we find that arsenic exposure beyond the safe threshold level is negatively
associated with school attendance. We complement these results with a newly collected survey of students in public schools located in the state of Assam – one of the most arsenic affected regions
of India. Exploiting variation in the geographical coverage and timing of construction of government water supply schemes allows us to identify the effect of arsenic on student outcomes.
We find that children with prolonged exposure to contaminated water sources experience higher rates of absenteeism, grade retention, and lower test scores. Negative effects are larger among girls that we argue is likely due to an already underlying health disadvantage in childhood.

Event | 6 May 2020