Policy Session: Marine Plastic Pollution in a circular perspective

Event Information

Aulan, Handelshögskolan
Event type

This session is devoted to the ocean plastic pollution challenge. After a brief introduction of the biophysical aspects of the problem, the panel will focus on various approaches towards solutions both on the local as well as on the international level. How can we manage plastic waste at source, promote development of degradable plastics, eliminate unnecessary products,  ensure that adequate waste management systems are in place and how to clean up existing plastic pollution? These are some examples of issues to be discussed with room for questions from the audience.

Bethanie Carney Almroth, Researcher in Zoophysiology, Project leader on whether plastic particles are toxic to fish
Rashid Sumaila, Resource Economist, Professor and Director of the Fisheries Economics Research Unit, University of British Columbia. Volvo Environment Prize winner 2017.
Joshua Abbott, Resource Economist, Associate Professor, School of Sustainability, Arizona State University.
Henrikke Baumann, Professor, Technology, Management and Economics, Chalmers University of Technology
Jakob Granit. Director General for Swedish Agency for Water Management

Event | 24 June 2018