Ninth International Conference on the Ethiopian Economy

Event Information


The conference was organized by the Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA) on July 21-23, 2011 in Addis Ababa. EfD Ethiopia researchers and associates presented their papers on this conference.

Over 90 papers were presented in this three-days conference organized by the Ethiopian Economics Association (EEA). The papers covered diverse issues related to Ethiopian economy including growth and trade, agriculture, energy and climate change, commercialization and marketing, water management, foreign aid, health, education, and other social issues to mention a few.

EfD Ethiopia researchers, Dr. Zenebe Gebreegziabher, Dr. Alemu Mekonnen, and Dr. Tadele Ferede, presented their papers and also chaired parallel sessions on the conference. Dr. Yonas Alem, international associate to EfD Ethiopia, also presented a paper on Poverty dynamics and intra-household heterogeneity in occupations.

The annual conference served as a good opportunity for EfD Ethiopia to introduce the initiative to participants and disseminate research outputs and other resources.

Papers presented by EfD researchers:

Sustainable Financing of Ethiopia's Energy Infrastructure: An Economic Analysis - Dr. Zenebe Gebreegizabher and Dr. Alemu Mekonnen

Stove Adoption and Implications for Deforestation and Land Degradation the Case of Ethiopia - Dr. Zenebe Gebreegzaibher et al.

The Roads out of Subsistence Farming: Growth Dynamics and investments in Human and Environmental Capital in Rural Ethiopia - Dr. Tadele Ferede

Poverty Dynamics and Intra-Household Heterogeneity in Occupations: Evidence from Urban Ethiopia - Dr. Yonas Alem

Other papers

The Impact of Climate Variability on Crop Production in Ethiopia: Which Crop is More Vulnerable to Rainfall Variability? - Kassahun Aberra

Climate Change and Rural Livelihoods in Northern Ethiopia: Impacts, Local Adaptation Strategies and Implications for Institutional Interventions (Abstract only) - Alebachew Adem


Event | 22 May 2013