A new funding opportunity for researchers with bold ideas

MQ Mental Health Research and Wellcome are looking for researchers outside of psychiatry, psychology, and neuroscience who have bold ideas and approaches from their discipline that can be applied to mental health science. If you work in the field of tech, the arts, humanities, economics, or another discipline and have an idea for how you can contribute towards understanding, treating, or even preventing mental illness then apply now for funding of up to £50,000.

What are we looking for?

We will fund innovative and bold ideas to advance the field of mental health science and further our understanding of what causes mental health conditions or supports their resolution, and how we can personalise and improve pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions to prevent and treat depression, anxiety, and psychosis.

Proposed projects should include novel applications of methods and concepts from domains outside of mental health science to accelerate progress in early intervention for depression, anxiety, or psychosis.

Who can apply?

Individuals or teams from any academic discipline and at any career level (Early career to established researchers). This is a global call and so we welcome applications from anywhere in the world. (Although we are only able to fund through institutions that are in countries not under UK trade sanctions.) Find out more in this info pack.

What do we fund?

The chosen awardees (individuals or small teams) will have 6 months to review the relevant literature and produce a viewpoint paper of publishable standard (for example, as a review, personal view, position paper, or comment) of up to 3,500 words, as well as a single-page summary.

This pilot scheme will provide funding of up to £50,000 (GBP) for a period of 6 months. Funds must be used for direct research costs such as materials, supplies, personnel, and travel to the extent that such expenses are directly related to the proposed project.

Who is MQ Mental Health Research?

MQ is a UK-based charity that funds global research into different mental health conditions, treatments, interventions, and preventions. We fund across the scientific spectrum and over the last 10 years have invested over £23 million into ground-breaking, impactful research. You can read more about MQ on our website here.

How can I find out more?

You can find out more in this information pack. There will be a webinar on the 5th of July at 14:30 UK time where full information will be given about the application process. You can register for the webinar here. If you are unable to attend the live webinar it will be available to watch after the event on MQ’s YouTube Chanel.

If you have a colleague who you think may be interested in this funding call then please share this with them.

Bryony Doughty
Head of Marketing

mqmentalhealth.org | Twitter: @mqmentalhealth | Facebook: @MQMentalHealth

MQ: Transforming mental health is a company registered in England and Wales (Co number 7406055) and a charity registered in England and Wales (Charity number 1139916) and Scotland (SC046075).

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Event | 26 June 2023