IGC Central Call for proposal

Event Information

Event type

The IGC invites researchers to submit proposals for high-calibre research projects relevant to growth policies in developing countries. The deadline is 11:59pm GMT, 30th November 2013.

The IGC is building on previous work and streamlining its research with a sharper focus on key research questions that are relevant for growth within the following four broad themes, where we have also received great interest from policymakers: (i) state effectiveness, (ii) firm capabilities, (iii) cities, and (iv) energy.

The IGC will assess the submitted proposals against the following criteria, which are further discussed in the ‘IGC Notes for Applicants’ (although these are applicable for all IGC projects, special provisions may be in place for individual country calls):

  1. The extent to which the proposed research is innovative and contributes to substantive creation of knowledge, specifically helping to expand and strengthen the existing relevant literature on growth and development.
  2. Whether and how the proposed research can be used to inform better and more evidence-based policymaking in developing countries.
  3. The makeup of the research teams and contribution to local capacity.
  4. Value for money.

Countries: Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, India - Bihar, India - Central, Liberia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia.

See detail information on the link below.

Event | 14 November 2013