Hybrid Conference of the African Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AFAERE) - Call for papers

Event Information

Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi, Kenya and online


Dr. Herbert Ntuli, Secretary General, AFAERE
Event type


Hybrid Conference of the  African Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AFAERE) 

22-25 November 2023 Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi, Kenya 


The Second (2nd) Conference of the African Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AFAERE) will be held from 22-25 November 2023 at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi, Kenya. 

Conference Theme 

Just Energy Transition in Africa. 

All forces need to be mobilized as the time to fulfil the pledges made in the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030 is slowly passing away before a catastrophic calamity strikes humanity. It is urgent to secure a continent-wide, inclusive green transformation, with a focus on a low-carbon transition and gender equity. Never in human history has there been a need for such a quick and comprehensive set of social alterations, which is also a knowledge-intensive process. This means that to accelerate positive change, existing capability and expertise must be fully exploited. Energy transition becomes an important theme in the context of Africa given their differential impacts, lack of preparedness and vulnerability of African economies to such transitions. 

Submission Guideline and Rules 

You are invited to submit theoretical, empirical and policy papers dealing with the socioeconomic and environmental implications of energy transitions and policy trade-offs in Africa. Papers could address any or combination of the following topics: 

• Modelling and understanding energy transition risks. 

• The role of property rights in a just energy transition. 

• The role of national and corporate governance in the transition towards affordable, greener, sustainable, and secure energy sources. 

• The role of gender-energy initiatives in strengthening women and youth’s engagement, involvement, and leadership in a just energy transition. 

• Options for financing a just energy transition in Africa. 


Full papers are to be submitted at 


The extended deadline for full paper submissions is 31 August 2023. 

The Scientific Committee will evaluate all submissions with the help of peer reviewers. The last notification of acceptance of papers is scheduled for 30 September 2023. 

The number of submissions per person is unlimited, but the maximum number of presentations in parallel sessions per person will be limited to two. Presenters must be duly registered for the Conference by 20 October 2023 for their papers to be included on the programme. 

Keynote Speakers 

The notable international keynote speakers are published on the Conference website and these are: 

1. Prof Kelvin Chika Urama, Chief Economist and Vice President, Economic Governance and Knowledge Management Complex, Africa Development Bank, k.urama@afdb.org 

2. Prof. Alemu Mekonnen, University of Addis Ababa 

3. Dr. Faith Odongo, Deputy Director of Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy, Kenya 

4. Prof Yonas Alem, University of Gothenburg, Sweden 


Sponsorship and Support 

Sponsors will be updated once we have received confirmation. 

Conference Fees 

Conference registration and information on the registration process is available on the Conference website (https://afaere.org/conferences/). 

Member R5470 (US$300) 

Students R2700 (US$150) 

Early bird(s) 

Member R4500 (US$250) 

Students R1800 (US$100) 

Membership Fees 

AFAERE annual membership costs R450 (US$30) while triennial membership costs R1125 (US$75). We, therefore, encourage delegates to join and gain the benefits of the membership rate and access to the Association and its resources. To join AFAERE click on the link provided: https://afaere.org/membership/ 

AFAERE membership in the year 2023 is a requirement to attend the Conference. Non-members are requested to join AFAERE as part of the Conference registration process. 

Scientific Committee 

Dr. Nnaemeka Chukwuone, President, AFAERE 

Prof Edwin Muchapondwa, University of Cape Town 

Prof Johane Dikgang, University of Florida 

Prof Wisdom Akpalu, Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration 

Dr. Selma Karuaihe, University of Pretoria 

Prof Richard Mulwa, University of Nairobi, Kenya 

Prof Ernest L. Molua, Executive Director · Centre for Independent Development Research (CIDR) 

Organizing Committee 

Dr. Herbert Ntuli, Secretary General, AFAERE, contact ntulih5@gmail.com 

Dr Mary Karumba, State Department of Economic Planning and Statistics, Government of Kenya, contact muthonikarumba48@gmail.com 

Dr Precious Zikhali, World Bank, contact prehgabadela@gmail.com 

Dr Boscow Okumu, The National Treasury and Planning in the Government of Kenya, contact kodhis2000@gmail.com 

Important Deadlines 

• 31 August 2023: Extended deadline for paper submissions 

• 30 September 2023: Notification of acceptance of papers 

• 22 October 2023: Registration deadline for presenters 

Further Information 

For questions related to paper submissions, please contact the Scientific Committee at: afaerecouncil@gmail.com. For additional information about AFAERE 2020 please visit the Conference website at: https://afaere.org/submit-papers/. For questions related to AFAERE membership, please contact ntulih5@gmail.com 


Event | 7 August 2023