Fourth SITES-IDEAs Annual Conference on Development Topics

Event Information

Event type

As part of the SITES-IDEAs Annual Conference on Development Topics, a  Workshop will be held with the theme: "Towards a New Agriculture Revolution for Africa?" Based on the recent evidence, agriculture in Africa is dominated by 3 main actors: large agribusiness, commercial farms and subsistence farmers. In this new landscape of the agriculture sector, the policy options can be broadly summarized as follows:

1.1.  Promote R&D, PPP, and investment in new technologies (including genomics and GMOs) to increase the performance of farmers and agribusiness.

1.2.  Identify policy instruments to link farms to the overall value chain of the large agribusiness to increase the productivity (income and profit) and welfare of farmers and consumer while avoiding market power of large foreign and local corporations.

1.3.  Support the future of subsistence farmers by policies that either give them the means to become more productive (land or inputs), or by supporting off-farm agriculture and non-agriculture activities.

The one day workshop will be organized with plenary sessions where ICABR fellows and representatives of International Organizations will discuss these important themes. The afternoon will be dedicated to parallel sessions.

The cost of the workshop is 70 Euro and gives access to SITES-IDEAs conference.

Submission of paper abstracts (max 250 words) or panel proposals by August 15, 2017. We do not expect to receive a full paper, we would like to take the opportunity of the workshop to brainstorm on your current research and policy projects on this theme. Notification of acceptance is expected by August 30, 2017.

To submit your abstract, please use this link<>

 Once you create a user account you will have the possibility of submitting a contribution for ICABR workshop.

Event | 1 August 2017