Environment for development Tanzania Policy Day meeting

Event Information

Golden Tulip Hotel, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Salvatory Macha
Event type

The Environment for Development Tanzania (EfDT) conducted EfD’s Policy Day during the 8th EfD Annual Meeting, held on the 22 October 2014, at Golden Tulip Hotel, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

The main theme of this conference was “From Gold Rush to Gas Gust:  Tanzania in Search for Better Way of Natural Gas Use for Sustainable Human Development”. The Objectives of the Policy Day was to increase knowledge sharing and dialogue between policy makers, practitioners and researchers; to present EfD research on selected themes and discuss its policy relevance in a Tanzanian context; and to inform the EfD research agenda about policy maker’s views on research needs, actions and challenges.

The panel discussion focused on the Political Economy of Natural Resource Exploitation, Propelling Green Industrialization through Natural Gas in Tanzania: The Policy Link, Methane Leakage from Natural Gas: What Do We Need to Know and How Can We Act? Also the discussions included topics titled 'Evidence-Based Research and Policy Review on Oil and Natural Gas Sector in Tanzania' and 'Managing Natural resources for Sustainable Growth and Human Development in Tanzania – The case of extractive industry'. Finally there were panel discussions on the key actions to attain sustainable opportunities and challenges for sustainable natural gas use with national and local benefits for post 2015.

For a detailed content of the programme click the file on the right.

Related press-releases:

Event | 20 October 2014