Mads Greaker

EEU Seminar with Mads Greaker

Event Information

B44 or Zoom


Viking Lindberg
Event type

The next EEU seminar will be held now on Monday the 22nd of April at 12:10 – 13:15 in B44.


The seminar will be held by Mads Greaker. Mads is a professor at Oslo Metropolitan University and he will be presenting on the topic: International cooperation on the climate: The case for a green innovation club.


When: Monday, April 22nd at 12:10-13:15
Where: B44
Speaker: Mads Greaker
Title: International cooperation on the climate: The case for a green innovation club


Abstract: Provision of a global public good like a stable climate necessitates that countries cooperate. International cooperation is particularly difficult in presence of free-riding. First, the levels of abatement will be insufficient as countries only consider their own benefit of abatement. Second, sub-optimal levels of abatement imply poor incentives for green innovation, and hence, too little green innovation will be carried out. We show that a club based on cooperative research and abatement can increase global investments in green innovation. Next, we find that the club may induce more abatement than a one-dimensional climate agreement that focus on abatement cooperation only. The club takes advantage of the monopoly power introduced by intellectual property rights in order to attract members. Then free-riding nonmembers license the technology from the club, while members that invested in the development access the technology for free. 


If you want to join via Zoom, please use this Zoom-link.



Hope to see you there,

Viking Lindberg

Research Assistant

Event | 17 April 2024