EEPSEA Annual Conference 2021

EEPSEA Annual Conference 2021

Event Information

Event type
The main themes

The EEPSEA Annual Conference 2021 is covering a variety research papers topics that apply the tools of economics and trans-disciplinary approach in the analysis of policy-relevant environmental challenges and related issues in Southeast Asia in the following areas:

  • Interdisciplinary approach for environmental and resource management

  • Economics of climate change: Damage assessment and adaptation options

  • Designing behavioral economics tools for green growth strategy: Greening forestry sector, renewable energy, greening consumption.

  • Coastal and marine resources conservation for climate change resilience and poverty reduction

  • Urban poor and the environment: Industrial pollution, ecosystem and human health impact, resilience, policy instruments and institutional changes.

  • Green energy for sustainable development

  • Environmental trans-boundary problems in Southeast Asia

Organizational arrangement

Participants will have an opportunity to discuss various transdisciplinary issues related to adaptation, mitigation, and strategies toward a greener, cleaner and inclusive development for Southeast Asia, including policy instruments, future scenarios, transition management, international cooperation and regime at this Annual Meeting.

While the COVID-19 pandemic prevents researchers to travel abroad, EEPSEA provides domestic travel sponsorship to the onsite venue for participants within countries which well-control the situation without lock-down or social distancing. For the other countries, you are invited to join the online meeting.


Keynote speakers

Phobe Koundouri

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri is a world-renowned environmental economics professor and global leader in sustainable development. She is widely recognized as a pioneer in innovative, human-centric, interdisciplinary systems for the sustainable interaction between nature, society, and the economy. Prof. Koundouri is listed in the most-cited women economists in the world, with 15 published books and more than 300 published peer reviewed scientific papers.

Prof. Koundouri is University Professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business, an elected fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science and the President-elect of the European Association of Environmental and Natural Resource Economists for the period 2019-2025 (EAERE)

Since 1997, she has coordinated more than 100 interdisciplinary research projects, in all five continents, focused on combinations of Sustainable Development, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Behavioural Economics and Econometrics, Economics of Wellbeing and Happiness, Natural Resource-Food-Energy Nexus, Smart Water Systems, Ecosystem Services Valuation, Blue Growth, Circular Economy, Systems Innovation, Innovation Acceleration and Commercialization, and has attracted significant competitive research funding. Prof. Koundouri and her large interdisciplinary team (more than 200 researchers) have produced research and policy results that have contributed to accelerating research and innovation for the enablement of Sustainable Development and has contributed to shaping European and National policies.

Arnold Tukker

Arnold Tukker is per 1 October 2013 the Professor of Industrial Ecology and Director of the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) at Leiden University for 70% of his time. Until then he was Business line manager Societal Innovation and Economy at TNO, a large not for profit research organization in the Netherlands, where he retains a 30% position as senior researcher.

Arnold set up prominent EU projects in the field of sustainable product design (SusProNet) and sustainable consumption and production (SCORE!) and was core member of the 10 Million Euro Dutch Knowledge Network on Sustainable System Innovations.

He currently co-ordinates a string of major programs of some 15 million Euro with some 20 key European research institutes in the field of resource-efficiency, a.o. constructing the world’s most ambitious and detailed global energy/resource/economic input-output databases and models (EXIOBASE).

He authored 6 books, 47 refereed papers and 7 special issues on sustainability research. He has been engaged with work of the UN on the Green Economy Initiative, the Resources Panel, the Ten Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production, and Sustainable Development Goals.




Zoom meeting:       ID: 818 8115 4585     Passcode: 337732

General Program

Time (GMT+7)


Day 1: Wednesday, 01 December 2021


Opening remarks

Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh, UEH president

Dr. Eren Zink, First Secretary/Research Advisor, Embassy of Sweden in Thailand


Keynote speech

Capital investments for developing a sustainable economy

Prof. Dr. Arnold Tukker, Leiden University

Chair: Dr. Pham Khanh Nam (UEH University)




Parallel sessions 1

  • Session 1A: Environmental health
  • Session 1B: Economy-wide environmental issues
  • Session 1C: Proposal presentations

Day 2: Thursday, 02 December 2021


Roundtable on research topics for SEA

Research review and grants

Coordinator: Dr. Gem Castillo (Resources and Environmental Economics Foundation of the Philippines)




Parallel sessions 2

  • Session 2A: Marine resource management
  • Session 2B: Environmental valuation
  • Session 2C: Proposal presentations

Day 3: Friday, 03 December 2021


Parallel sessions 3

  • Session 3A: Environmental valuation
  • Session 3B: Proposal presentations
  • Session 3C: EfD-Vietnam's session on environment and development




Keynote speech:

Interdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Growth

Prof. Dr. Phoebe Koundouri, Athens University of Economics and Business

EAERE President-Elect

Chair: Prof. Dr. Arief Yusuf (Padjadjaran University, Indonesia)


Closing remarks


Event | 30 November 2021