The care of the Common House: Lecture from the Economy, Universidad Javeriana, Colombia

Event Information

Event type

EfD Senior Researcher’s Thomas Sterner will participate in the event as keynote speaker and Jorge García (alumi of Gothenburg) will participate as commentator of the key note speech.

The main objective of this Seminar is to disseminate and facilitate the understanding, analysis and impact of the ideas expressed by Pope Francis in his Encyclical LAUDATO SI` framing them in the current world problems and with emphasis on the current situation of Colombia and the way the ideas expressed contribute to building peace and a new country.

The general question of the event is:

How the encyclical LAUDATO SI` contributes to the transformation of the country towards peace and comprehensive sustainable development?

Specific questions

How to educate for the recognition of the complexity and ethics on care of the common house?

How to transform the mind set of decision makers towards an understanding of comprehensive sustainable development?

What are the key elements that would create a proposal for a new society?

Can coherent economic policy and social & environmental development be held in Colombia?

The event will take place on Monday, April 18 from 8:00 a.m to 12:30 p.m. in the auditorium Luis Carlos Galan of the Javeriana University, Colombia.

Event | 15 April 2016