Environmental Research: Energy
Guest Editors
Edgar Virgüez, Carnegie Science, USA
June Lukuyu, University of Washington, USA
Krishnapriya Perumbillissery, Duke University, USA
Myriam Shiran, Purdue University, USA
In the global discourse of a transition towards net-zero emissions energy systems, the focus often centres on the United States and countries of the European Union. Nonetheless, the success of the necessary energy transition depends on worldwide actions. In this context, understanding the barriers and challenges to decarbonizing energy systems in the Global South seems essential. This special issue focuses on research that expands our knowledge of the elements that must be addressed so that countries in the Global South can effectively transition towards decarbonized energy systems.
Potential topics of interest include the: characterization of the energy systems and transitions in the Global South; identification of the impacts of achieving an equitable and just transition to decarbonized energy systems in the Global South; unique policy and governance drivers that could accelerate the energy transition in the Global South; development of management tools and mechanisms that would enable the financial and technological transferences from the Global North to the Global South necessary to support the energy transition (also including South-South cooperation); climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies crucial for building resilience through reduced emissions. We especially invite authors to address research questions that highlight the unique challenges to decarbonize the Global South (Virguez, 2024).
Virgüez, E. (2024). Copy-and-paste fixes can't decarbonize Global South cities (World View). Nature Cities, 1 (8). https://doi.org/10.1038/s44284-024-00096-8
Submission process
We encourage submissions from all authors whose work fits with the scope of this focus collection. The collection will also feature invited contributions. All focus issue articles are subject to the same review process as regular articles. Authors are invited to contact one of the guest editors, or the journal team directly, to discuss the suitability of their work prior to submission.
Please submit your article via our online submission form You should submit the appropriate article type for your submission then choose 'Focus on Decarbonizing Energy Systems of the Global South' from the drop-down menu.
Deadline for submissions
The target deadline for submissions is 15 February 2025 though we can be flexible where necessary. We encourage early submission where possible, as articles will be published on acceptance without being delayed by other papers in the collection.
Peer review
All focus issue articles will be peer reviewed in the same manner and to the same high standard as regular issue articles, with the peer review overseen and administered by our in-house journal editorial team. Find out more about peer review at IOP Publishing.
Publication charges
As part of our commitment to open science, IOP Publishing is covering the article publication charge (APC) for all articles published in the journal.