Call for Applications EAERE-FEEM-VIU European Summer School

Event Information

Venice, Italy


Irene Bellin
Event type

EAERE-FEEM-VIU European Summer School in Resource and Environmental Economics will take place from June 28th - July 4th 2015 in Venice, Italy. The theme of this summer school is Environmental Regulation. Call for Applications' deadline is February 1st, 2015.

No restriction is put on methods used - theoretical, econometric and experimental approaches will be covered. The school will be of interest to those working on topics including (but not limited to) economics of standards, pollution taxes, tradable permits, comparative performance of instruments, Self-regulation, Information-based regulation, disclosure programs and green labeling, Impacts of regulation on R&D and innovation, Enforcement and compliance, Assessing the impact of regulations on behavior, Cost-benefit analysis of actual regulations, International coordination of regulation, Formal analysis of regulatory institutions, Political economy of environmental regulation.

Admission and Scholarhsip:

The Summer School is targeted to PhD and postgraduate students. Admission is conditional on the presentation of each student's doctoral work; therefore PhD students who want to apply normally need to be advanced in their PhD to have produced at least one substantive chapter, but not to have necessarily completely finished their thesis.

Application is restricted to 2015 EAERE members, both European and non-European citizens. 

Given the highly interactive activities planned at the Summer School, the number of participants is limited to 20.
There is no participation fee. All applicants can apply for a scholarship.The Summer School is aimed at Ph.D. students that are already writing a thesis on the economics of adaptation to climate change and want to engage into a highly interactive exchange with experts in the field. Students will be asked to present an advanced version of their research work and will receive valuable feedback from fellow students and from the School professors. Students will also be assigned a tutor that will provide individual feedback during consultation time.

For more information please read more about the course and application on the summer school website below.


Event | 6 November 2014