14th August 2019: Inception meeting and  official Appointment of the centre Directors

Event Information



Associate Professor Edward Bbaale, Director
Mob. +256783573395

About 20 nominated research fellows for the EfD-Mak  centre convened   for the first meeting  on 14th August, 2019  where Dr. Edward Bbaale and  Prof. Johhny Mugisha were endorsed official  Director  and Deputy Director respectively.

The meeting was held at  the conference room of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES). The objective of the meeting was to officially present and introduce the Centre to the Researchers and to discuss the road map to success through their input mainly through the production of  quality research outputs. The meeting was also intended to introduce the core administrative team of the centre the research fellows and to have a general consensus to the appointment of the Centre’s Director and the Deputy Director.  This was one of the preliminary activities leading to the official launch of EfD-Mak Centre.

Event | 30 April 2020