Academic title
EfD Center

Woodward, Richard

Richard T. Woodward is an associated research fellow for EfD Central America and a close collaborator for the team working on Socio-economics of Environmental Goods and Services (SEBSA) at CATIE. He resided with the EfD team in Costa Rica under sponsorship of the Fullbright Scholar Program from 2007-2008. His research focuses on the use of market based instruments to achieve improved management of the environment and natural resources. Specifically, he has studied the use of markets in the management of fisheries to achieve water quality goals and to protect bioersity. Normally Richard is an associate professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Texas A&M University. He also studies the problem of choice under extreme uncertainty and has done research in the general area of the economics of sustainability.

Link to personal page at Texas A&M University (incuding publications and full CV)

Curriculum vitae

People | 17 December 2007