Using labeled choice experiments to analyze demand structure and market position among seafood products

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

Understanding market competition and consumer preferences are important first steps in developing a business. In a competitive market, the effectiveness of the various elements of a firm's marketing mix depends not only on the absolute value of each element but also on the relative values of the elements with respect to the firm's position in the market. In this paper, we analyze the demand structure and market positions of a variety of seafood products in the French retail market. We used a labeled choice experiment to analyze 12 seafood species.

Experiments, Fisheries

The role of packaging format, alcohol level and brand in consumer’s choice of beer: A best-worst scaling multi-profile approach

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

Although beer is widely consumed around the world and has the largest market share among alcoholic beverages, there is a paucity of studies on consumers’ preferences for beer compared to wine. In this study, consumers were asked to select the best and worst favorable beer from choice sets of a labeled choice experiment, in which choice options were labeled by brand names.

Experiments, Policy Design

Willingness to pay for agricultural flood insurance in the Mekong River Delta

Submitted by Luat Do on

Increasing urbanization and industrial development upstream of the Mekong River Delta of Vietnam (MRD) including the construction of a series of dams for hydroelectricity generation is changing the downstream risk of flooding. Concerns about the likely influence of global climate change and rising sea levels add further uncertainty to this risk that threatens the livelihood of farmers.

Agriculture, Climate Change, Experiments

Risk preferences and development revisited

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

We obtain rich measures of the risk preferences of a sample of Vietnamese farmers, and revisit the link between risk preferences and economic well-being. Far from being particularly risk averse, our farmers are on average risk neutral and, thus, more risk tolerant than typical Western subject populations. This generalises recent findings indicating that students in poorer countries are more risk tolerant than students in richer countries to a general population sample. Risk aversion is, furthermore, negatively correlated with income within our sample, but does not correlate with wealth.

Agriculture, Experiments

Risk communication, women’s participation and flood mitigation in Vietnam: An experimental study

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

Flood risk management has become important more than ever, because an escalating threat of unpredictable and extreme weather is affecting flood-prone communities. People-centred risk communication has been proposed as an effective strategy that can stimulate people to protect themselves against flood risks. However, little research with a sound theoretical underpinning has been done to examine the effectiveness of such a strategy in developing countries. We use a field experiment to analyse how risk communication can influence households’ intentions to implement mitigation measures.

Climate Change, Experiments, Gender

Reducing marine debris pollution by changing household behavior through children education

Submitted by Gracia Lanza on

This paper aims at evaluating the direct and indirect effects of an educational program on students and parents knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) regarding consumption and disposal of plastics. The program takes the form of an environmental education module with value-laded content, targeting 15 matched pairs of primary schools, as part of their subjects. The intervention is an adaptation of the content and curricula embedded in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOOA) marine debris program.

Experiments, Waste