WinEED Seminar Series- P.P Krishnapriya & Luciane Lenz

This month, WinEED teamed with the Sustainable Energy Transitions Initiative (SETI) to showcase research on the intersection of gender and energy. Dr. Krishnapriya Perumbillissery will present her…

Date: Wednesday 30 September — Wednesday 30 September, 2020

Gender Equity during Covid-19

After publishing " In the wake of COVID-19, academia needs new solutions to ensure gender equity", St. Mary's College of Maryland created a website addressing gender equity in academia. Women in…

| Covid-19, Gender

Avoiding Gender Bias in Reference Writing

"How to avoid gender bias in reference letters" by the University of Arizona, Commission on the status of women When writing a letter of reference for a student, the University of Arizona has a great…

| Gender