The 8th Annual Meeting of the Environment for Development (EfD) Initiative

The EfD initiative is committed to produce high quality research and active international research interaction. This is achieved by creating an environment where discussions can take place openly…

Date: Thursday 23 October — Sunday 26 October, 2014
Location: Ledger Plaza Bahari Beach, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Dynamics of Watershed Ecosystem Values and Sustainability: An Integrated Assessment Approach

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on
EfD Authors:

 In this work, we undertook an integrated assessment of water and forest ecosystem to develop the value-based sustainability indicators (VBSI) of watershed resource.

Agriculture, Conservation, Forestry, Water

Behavioral responses and the impact of new agricultural technologies: Evidence from a double-blind field experiment in Tanzania

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in the social sciences are typically not double-blind, so participants know they are “treated” and will adjust their behavior accordingly. Such effort responses complicate the assessment of impact.


Evaluating the Impact of Improved Maize Varieties on Food Security in Rural Tanzania: Evidence from a Continuous Treatment Approach

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This paper investigates impact heterogeneity in the adoption of improved maize varieties using data from rural Tanzania. We used a generalized propensity-score matching methodology, complemented with a parametric econometric method to check the robustness of results.


Technical Efficiency as a Sustainability Indicator in Continuum of Integrated Natural Resources Management

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on
EfD Authors:

To understand variables that link the welfare, livelihood and the watershed is crucial when instituting the integrated watershed management. This requires having indicators to show changes of the condition of the welfare, livelihoods and watershed resources. However, the combination of livelihoods and welfare of the local communities who depend largely on watershed resources for income, food, energy and shelter have not been adequately considered elsewhere.

Conservation, Water

Regression with Dummy Explanatory Variables: Some Methodological Issues

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on

The study considers the inclusion of dummy explanatory variables (in regression estimation) in both cross –section and time series data. In survey data, a continuous variable may be categorized into a dummy variable dataset whenever the quality, reliability and internal consistency of the continuous data is put into question. In the process of categorization, vita information may be compromised: in other words there is loss of information. Furthermore, an arbitrary choice of cutoff points may yield different regression estimates depending on the cutoff point.


Distributional Differences in Upper Tail Observation of Per capital Household Expenditure in Tanzania in 2001 and 2007

Submitted by Salvatory Macha on
EfD Authors:

Recent economic growth in Tanzania has not been matched by a corresponding reduction in poverty when compared with similar episode of growth in countries such as Uganda, Ghana, etc. This has raised heated debate, whereby some analysts argue that problem lies on the GDP is compiled, and other on the validity of Household Budget Survey (HBS) data. This paper contributes to that debate by  analyzing the distribution of upper tail observation using he Generalized Pareto Distributions show that HBS 2007 is characterized by extreme values of per capita expenditure when compares to 2001.

Policy Design