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Displaying 11 - 20 of 25 publications

A través de fuentes de datos secundarias, esta investigación busca analizar las elecciones municipales en Chile a través de referentes teóricos y empíricos que permitan entender de mejor forma el…

| Thesis MSC | Chile

Several activities are being undertaken to improve the livelihood of poor households by governments and NGOs in developing countries including Ethiopia. As women constitute about half of the total…

| Thesis MSC | Ethiopia

Mafia island and Tanzania fishery ground is rich in variety of vertebrates and fish stock. Because of diversity and variety of these marine resources it is experiencing an increase in fishing effort…

| Thesis MSC | Tanzania

Willingness to pay for garbage collection services for University of Dar es salaam residential areas has been assessed in this study using Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). In examining the issue…

| Thesis MSC | Tanzania

The dissertation describes the use of contingent valuation to estimate economic value of consumptive Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs), availability, types and uses among rural residents adjacent to…

| Thesis MSC | Tanzania

This study analyses the institutional and organizational arrangements of irrigation water management and identifies the determinants of collective action and its effectiveness in managing communal…

| Thesis MSC | Ethiopia

A nature field experiment and a choice experiment of the payment system of voluntary contribution. Evidence from Cahuita National Park in Costa Rica. This study investigates what affects the…

| Thesis MSC | Central America, Sweden

The implementation of EAC treaty required the formation of Custom Union as the first step of EAC regional integration process and charging a common tariff on goods from non-member states (EAC, 2012)...

| Thesis MSC | Uganda

Using cross sectional data obtained from the first wave of the National Panel Survey Data; this study attempts to examine empirically two issues; first the influence of land tenure reforms on…

| Thesis MSC | Tanzania