Displaying 2191 - 2200 of 2515 publications
Weak environmental regulatory institutions in developing countries often undermine conventional command-and-control pollution control policies. As a result, these countries are increasingly…
| Peer Reviewed |Urbanization has been mentioned as one possible cause of higher food prices, and in this paper we examine some of the suggested links between urbanization and food prices. We conclude that…
| Peer Reviewed | SwedenThis study provides empirical evidence on the effects of production risk on smallholder farmers’ adoption of farm technology, using plot-level data collected from two semi-arid districts in Kenya…
| Peer Reviewed | KenyaThis paper uses a farm level panel data from Ethiopia and a comprehensive empirical strategy to investigate the contribution of crop biodiversity on food production. We find that increasing the number…
| Peer Reviewed | EthiopiaNational government-funded payments for environmental services (PES) programs often lack sustainable financing and fail to target payments to providers of important environmental services. In…
| Peer Reviewed |This paper analyzes the effects of the interaction between technology adoption and incomplete enforcement on the extent of violations and the rate of abatement technology adoption. We focus on price…
| Peer Reviewed | SwedenThis paper is about locating sensors in water distribution networks and making inferences on the presence of contamination events based on sensor signals. It fully considers the imperfection of…
| Peer Reviewed | ChinaThis paper reviews the literature on the economics of climate change adaptation in developing countries, and identifies three key points for consideration in future studies. One key point is that all…
| Peer Reviewed | SwedenThis paper uses a 2003 household survey to examine implementation and impacts of China's Sloping Land Conversion Program. We find that land targeting has been strongly influenced by program goals, but…
| Peer Reviewed | ChinaThis paper relates the key findings of the optimal economic enforcement literature to practical issues of enforcing forest and wildlife management access restrictions in developing countries. Our…
| Peer Reviewed | Tanzania