Displaying 201 - 210 of 3667 publications

Most energy models used for policy analysis are too complex for non-experts. We propose an energy model and demonstrate how non-experts can employ it to understand and evaluate renewable energy…

| Peer Reviewed | Colombia

Quantifying drought's economic impacts has been key for decision-making to build future strategies and improve the development and implementation of proactive plans. However, climate change is…

| Peer Reviewed | Chile

I develop a theory to study the determination of land rights in precolonial Vietnam, in which the state uses restrictive land rights to tie landless peasants to their land, in order to collect head…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

Background: Motivated by the fact that between 20-40% of health expenditure around the world is wasted due to inefficiencies the magnitude of these efficiencies/inefficiencies is unknown for African...

| Peer Reviewed | Uganda

Abstract The COVID‐19 pandemic profoundly affected food security by disrupting supply chains through border closures Our study concentrates on South Asia and examines the interplay between COVID‐19…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

Abstract The need to recognise plural values and integrate these into policy design has long been of interest in nature conservation. However, we also need to understand whether and how different…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria

The unmatched growth in available jobs, given the rising youth population, is a major concern for policymakers in sub-Saharan African countries (SSAs), particularly Ghana. The weakness in the link…

| Peer Reviewed | Ghana

This study offers an empirical microlevel analysis of the pass-through effects of the East African Community Common External Tariff on consumer prices in Kenya. Using data from the Kenya Integrated...

| Peer Reviewed | Kenya

This paper analyzes individual subjective well-being using a survey database from the Strasbourg metropolitan development council (France). The authors focus on the effects of externalities generated…

| Peer Reviewed | Vietnam

The study investigated gender in wholesale smoked-fish marketing in Kanji Lake Basin, Nigeria. Specifically, the study identified roles of individual actors in fish marketing, determined the…

| Peer Reviewed | Nigeria