Newspaper highlights the work in State of the Nation Program of EfD Central America researchers Juan Robalino and Laura Villalobos

Other Publications
1 January 2015

This past Thursday November 19th “La Nación” (the main newspaper in Costa Rica) published an article highlighting the work done for a special report about the impact evaluation of conservation policies that was written for the “State of the Nation Program" by EfD Central America researchers Juan Robalino and Laura Villalobos. 

This Report is based on Laura Villalobos’s master's thesis, turned into a peer reviewed and published in EDE in 2015, with the support of EfD. To read the article in La Nación clickhere (Spanish only).

The State of the Nation Program is an annual report that allows further study and discussion of the sustainable human development in Costa Rica in order to improve citizen access to comprehensive, timely and accurate information about the public affairs information.

The State of the Nation works under the slogan: "Know the Costa Rica we have and think of the Costa Rica we want," and publishes important trends for analysis of national performance in sustainable human development in social, economic, environmental and political aspects.

To read Juan Robalino´s and Laura Villalobo’s final report: “Effectiveness of conservation policies in Costa Rica” in the State of the Nation Program, click here (Spanish only).

Publication | 22 February 2016