Examining the Attributes of Electronic Waste Recycling Service: A Choice Modelling Approach

Peer Reviewed
24 July 2017

Nazatul Faizah Haron, Shaufique F. Sidique, Alias Radam

This paper estimates the economic valuation, discusses preferences for electronic waste (e-waste) recycling, and identifies the most preferred attributes in e-waste recycling. Stratified random sampling from the households in Putrajaya, Malaysia was utilised to obtain the primary data. It provides the readers with an intrinsic satisfaction when choosing a modelling analysis on the valuation of non-market goods using conditional logit simple model. The findings indicate that the option attributes were highly significant and there was no inherent bias towards either the change or no-change option held by the respondents.

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Publication reference
Haron, N. F., Sidique, S. F., & Radam, A. (2017). Examining the Attributes of Electronic Waste Recycling Service: A Choice Modelling Approach. Asian Social Science, 13(8), 12. doi:10.5539/ass.v13n8p12
Publication | 28 June 2020