Environmental and development issues in Latin America: moving forward

Peer Reviewed
1 January 2011

Economists in Latin America are moving beyond the prevailing ‘macro’ orientation of their research focusing more on questions linked to development and the use and management of the environmental resource base in the region.

Francisco Alpízar, EfD-Central America Center Coordinator and Senior Research Fellow, together with Juan-Pablo Montero of the Department of Economics, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile edited the special issue of Environment and Development Economics Vol. 16 Issue 3.

In this issue they underscore the fact that economists in Latin America are moving beyond the prevailing ‘macro’ orientation of their research in the region and are now focusing on a variety of other economic questions dealing with health, education, poverty alleviation, competition policy, the protection of natural resources and pollution control. These and other subjects are presented in this issue as a sample of such research.

Most of the articles highlight key elements of research in environmental economics in general in the region. Furthermore, several findings point at how environmental issues are intrinsically linked to development concerns in the region as well as on how the local capacity to generate wealth is inevitably determined by decisions regarding the use and management of the environmental resource base. Please follow the link for details http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayIssue?jid=EDE&tab;=currentissue

Table of Contents

  1. Environmental and development issues in Latin America: moving forward, FRANCISCO ALPÍZAR and JUAN-PABLO MONTERO, Environment and Development Economics, Volume 16, Issue 03, June 2011, pp 243-245
  2. The use of economic instruments for pollution control in Latin America: lessons for future policy design, MARCELO CAFFERA, Environment and Development Economics, Volume 16, Issue 03, June 2011, pp 247-273
  3. Collective action for watershed management: field experiments in Colombia and Kenya, JUAN CAMILO CARDENAS and LUZ ANGELA RODRIGUEZ and NANCY JOHNSON, Environment and Development Economics, Volume 16, Issue 03, June 2011, pp 275-303
  4. The Socioeconomic and environmental effects of free trade agreements: a dynamic CGE analysis for Chile, RAÚL O'RYAN and CARLOS J. DE MIGUEL and SEBASTIAN MILLER and MAURICIO PEREIRA, Environment and Development Economics, Volume 16, Issue 03, June 2011, pp 305-327
  5. The value of air quality and crime in Chile: a hedonic wage approach, FELIPE VÁSQUEZ LAVÍN and JORGE DRESDNER and RENATO AGUILAR, Environment and Development Economics, Volume 16, Issue 03, June 2011, pp 329-355

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Publication | 17 June 2011