Consistent valuation: extensions from bankruptcy costs and tax integration with time-varying debt

Peer Reviewed
23 November 2023

Nguyen Kim-Duc, Pham Khanh Nam

This study introduces a new version of the adjusted present value (APV) method and ensures its consistent valuation with the cost of capital (CoC) method at the highest level of generalization. The newly developed APV version and equivalent formulae consider stochastic debt and the trade-off between corporate income taxes (CIT) and personal income taxes (PIT), as well as tax benefits and financial distress costs. The value of expected bankruptcy costs aligns with the valuation aspect, enabling practical application of the formulae by valuers. The equivalence also reflects the differing perspectives of tax shields between stockholders and debt holders when PITs are introduced. Ultimately, the results demonstrate that the equivalence in this study aligns with, and can reduce to, previous standard formulae, under their stringent assumptions.

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Publication reference
Kim-Duc, N., & Nam, P. K. (2023). Consistent valuation: extensions from bankruptcy costs and tax integration with time-varying debt. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting.
Publication | 11 December 2023