Beyond ‘Traditional Geographies:’ Integrating Urban Political Ecology and Cultural Sustainability into Undergraduate Geographical Education in Nigeria

Peer Reviewed
26 March 2018

Augustina Chinyere Nzeadibe, Rose Nkechi Uchem & Thaddeus Chidi Nzeadibe

This study utilized qualitative methods and the urban political ecology (UPE) framework to situate changes in scope and content of undergraduate geography curriculum in Nigeria within the domain of education for sustainability. It was stimulated by significant curriculum-related events in the geography department of the University of Nigeria, and strategic policy developments in research governance in the university. Having cultural sustainability as its overarching concern, the reform initiative focused on solid waste management (SWM), a challenge with roots in cultural activity. While engaging with students and linking cultural sustainability with SWM, it is argued that integrating SWM topics into new and existing geography courses represents new possibilities for urban sustainable development and geographical education in Nigeria.

Publication | 3 May 2020