Environmental Incentives Over Time: From the First Forms of Regulation to the Recognition of Cognitive Biases

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

The impact of economic activity on the environment is considered an external effect when it is not taken into account in the decision‐making process of economic agents. This chapter introduces the general functioning of traditional forms of environmental regulation with examples of application.

Policy Design

Data envelopment analysis for analyzing technical efficiency in aquaculture: The bootstrap methods

Submitted by Luat Do on

The paper adopts the bootstrap procedures for data envelopment analysis to analyze the technical efficiency in the Vietnam’s intensive white-leg shrimp farming. The results demonstrate that the null hypothesis of constant returns-to-scale is rejected in favor of variable returns-to-scale for the production technology. Moreover, the potential improvement is greater using bootstrapping than that achieved by using the conventional data envelopment analysis, which has been widely adopted in the aquaculture literature for technical efficiency estimation.


Correlates of body mass index among primary school children in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:


To document the prevalence of overweight and obesity and examine associated risk factors.

Study design

A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 16 primary public schools in eight districts of Ho Chi Minh City in 2016. A multistage clustering sampling method was used to collect a sample of 1806 pupils attending the first, second, and third grades (7–9 years).


Risk communication, women’s participation and flood mitigation in Vietnam: An experimental study

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

Flood risk management has become important more than ever, because an escalating threat of unpredictable and extreme weather is affecting flood-prone communities. People-centred risk communication has been proposed as an effective strategy that can stimulate people to protect themselves against flood risks. However, little research with a sound theoretical underpinning has been done to examine the effectiveness of such a strategy in developing countries. We use a field experiment to analyse how risk communication can influence households’ intentions to implement mitigation measures.

Climate Change, Experiments, Gender

Price transmission in the pangasius value chain from Vietnam to Germany

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

Evidence of market integration between farmed pangasius and wild-caught whitefish is provided in the literature, pointing towards pangasius prices being determined on the large international whitefish market. In the presence of price transmission in the value chain, global growth of pangasius farming does therefore not in itself reduce the farm-gate prices in Vietnam. In this paper, price transmission in the pangasius value chain from farmers in Vietnam, via export to final consumption in Germany, is tested using the Johansen cointegration framework.


Tourism in marine protected areas: A view from Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam

Submitted by Luat Do on
EfD Authors:

Tourism development is considered a key accompanying strategy in creating alternative livelihood options for the communities living in and adjacent to the Marine Protected Areas. This paper examines the socioeconomic characteristics of the Nha Trang Bay protected area to determine the factors that influence the decision to participate in tourism sectors, and analyse whether these decisions would help to improve the economic wellbeing of the local communities.

Biodiversity, Conservation

Testing Market Power and Welfare Effects in the US Catfish Industry

Submitted by Luat Do on

An empirical specification of the conjectural variations model, which conforms to microeconomic theory, is estimated for the US catfish industry. We find the existence of market power exerted by US catfish processors. Processors force the price paid to catfish growers down by 52.88 cent per pound of live catfish, which costs US catfish growers about $300 million a year. US catfish growers can deter the negative effects of processors’ market power by increasing their farm supply flexibility.
