Round Table: the positioning of CATIE and the experience of Costa Rica in the COP16/CMP6

An overview on the climate change negotiations under the UNFCCC hosted in in Cancun, Mexico

EfD-CA fellows
in collaboration with CATIE’s office of the Director General and the Climate
Change Program presented in January 2011 an overview on the climate change negotiations
under the UNFCCC hosted in in Cancun, Mexico. The event took place at the
European Community Conference room on the Tropical Agricultural Research and
Higher Education Center (CATIE) main campus in Turrialba, Costa Rica.

what is becoming a tradition of workshops and presentation on issues related to
climate change, EfD-CA Center director Francisco Alpízar and leader of the thematic
program on Governance and Socio-economics of Environmental Goods and Services
(GSEBSA) at CATIE, offered the opening remarks for the round table. He was
followed by the Director General José Joaquín Campos who presented on “Integrating
scales and sectors to foster sustainable livelihoods, landscapes and ecosystems”,
his keynote speech at Forest Day 4 in Cancun.

research fellows Carlos Muñoz and Alvaro Umaña spoke during the round table as
well. Muñoz gave a summary of the Cancun Agreement and the role civil society
played during the COP16/CMP6 while Umaña talked about the financial proposal
and institutional architecture of Costa Rica around climate change. Then, Miguel
Cifuentes, from CATIE’s Climate Change Program gave a presentation on the new developments
in REDD+ and the strategic vision CATIE has for climate change action.

The event
concluded with a series of ideas and expectation for the next meeting (COP17/CMP7)
in Durban, South Africa in 2011.

News | 23 January 2011