World Bank Land and Poverty Conference-2014

Event Information

World Bank Headquarters in Washington, D.C.


The Land Conference Team

The 2014 World Bank Land and Poverty Conference will be held at World Bank Headquarters in Washington, D.C., on March 31 – April 3, 2014, under the theme of 'Integrating Land Governance into the Post-2015 Agenda: Harnessing Synergies for Implementation and Monitoring Impact.' The deadline for submitting abstract is November 17, 2013.

Abstracts are to be submitted online as per the instructions on the 2014 conference website. The word limit for the submission of abstracts is from 800 to 1500 words and they can be on any one of the seven thematic areas outlined below.

  • Securing and protecting land rights from a gender perspective
  • Managing urban landscapes
  • Attracting responsible land-based investment for local benefits and common resource management
  • Maximizing benefits from spatial data
  • Strengthening country level institutions
  • Fostering transparency in land ownership, use, and administration
  • Research on key aspects of land governance

This deadline is for both individual abstracts and group proposals. Please note that for Group Proposals, all Group Members must submit the 'Individual Abstract and Group Proposal for Review' form and upload their contribution to the Group Proposal.

Authors will be notified of their acceptance by December 15, 2013 and will be expected to submit their full papers by February 28, 2014. If you have any questions regarding abstract submission, please do not hesitate to contact the Land Conference Team

Read more about the Call for Paper

Event | 23 October 2013