Photo: Dimitry B on Unsplash

Webinar series on SDG 8 targets – the role of research in reaching sustainable economic growth, full employment and decent work conditions

Event Information



Jenni Strömstad
Event type

Earlier this year, the SDG 8 Initiative introduced thematic reviews and discussion papers on the targets of Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8).

In a series of three workshops in June (June 8th, 17th and 22nd), the thematic groups will present drafts of their SDG 8 discussion papers and suggest areas that are relevant for the implementation of each target. There will be time for discussion and questions, involving all interested researchers at the University of Gothenburg, Chalmers, and the associated "satellite" universities in Chile, Colombia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, and Vietnam.

Second webinar: 17 June 13.00-16.00  

Job creation and growing enterprises (target 8.3) Stefan Tengblad, professor in human resource management 

Decent, equal work and pay (target 8.5) Mattias Bengtsson, associate professor in sociology and work science

Safe work environments (target 8.8) Lotta Dellve, professor in work science, Helena Stensöta, professor political science, Anna-Carin Olin, professor in occupational medicine, Helena Sanden, associate professor in occupational and environmental medicine.

We look forward to interesting discussions, welcome!

Sign up here

Event | 27 May 2021